
St. 缅北强奸

Student Research

Biochemistry student research

On-campus research opportunities

  • Dr. Arnold T. Borer Summer Research Program
    Contact person: Dr. Kaitlyn Dykstra

    The Department of Biology offers summer research opportunities in the areas of cellular and molecular biology. This program, supported by the Dr. Arnold T. Borer Summer Research Endowment, provides selected students with a stipend, free room and board, and a travel allowance.

  • John L. & L茅one E. Worden Memorial Award
    Contact person: Dr. Kaitlyn Dykstra

    John Worden earned a Ph.D. in physiology from St. 缅北强奸 and taught here from 1933-1973, serving as professor of biology for most of that time. He was also chair of the department from 1937-1947 and acting dean of the graduate school from 1943-1945. This award itself is a distinction, as only the top juniors in the Biology and Biochemistry programs are invited to submit an application. One Worden Award of $1200 is given each year to support a mentored research project in the senior year.

  • Take research for credits in BIO 318/319/418/419
    Contact person:
    the professor with whom you wish to do research

  • Research while getting paid: work studies or research grants
    Contact person:
    Dr. Xiao-Ning Zhang

  • Research volunteer experience
    Contact person: 
    the professor with whom you wish to do research

Off-campus research opportunities

Many universities have summer research programs, such as Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (REUs). REUs are competitive and require a formal application process. Interested students may find REUs online via Google. Other research opportunities will be posted on the wall outside of Walsh 201 between November and January annually.

Student Research Accomplishments

(Biochemistry majors are highlighted in bold.)

Peer-reviewed Publications Coauthored by Biochemistry Majors

  • Fabian M, Gao M, Zhang X-N, Shi J, Vrydagh L, Kim S-H, Patel P, Hu AR, Lu H. The flowering time regulator FLK controls pathogen defense in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 191(4):2461-2474. April 2023.
  • Chen S, Rooney T, Hu A, Beard H, Garrett W, Mangalath L, Powers J, Cooper B, Zhang X-N. Quantitative proteomics reveals a role for SERINE/ARGININE-RICH 45 in regulating RNA metabolism and modulating transcriptional suppression via the ASAP complex in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:1116. September 19, 2019. .
  • Zhang X, Shi Y, Powers J, Gowda N, Zhang C, Ibrahim H, Ball H, Chen S, Lu H, Mount SM. Transcriptome analyses reveal SR45 to be a neutral splicing regulator and a suppressor of innate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics. 18:722. October 11, 2017. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-4183-7.
  • Cilano K., Mazanek Z., Khan, M., Metcalfe S., Zhang X. A new mutation, hap1-2, reveals a C terminal domain function in Atmago protein and its biological effects in male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLOS One. 2016, 11(2):e0148200. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148200
  • Arambula J. F., McCall R., Sidoran K., Magda D., Mitchell N., Bielawski C., Lynch V., Sessler J., and Arumugam K. Targeting Antioxidant Pathways with Ferrocenylated N-Heterocyclic Carbene Supported Gold(I) Complexes in A549 Cancer Cells. Chemical Science. 2016, 7: 1245-1256. doi: 10.1039/C5SC03519H
  • Andrews J. L., Kim A. C., Hens J. R.. (Review) The role and function of cadherins in the mammary gland. Breast Cancer Res. 2012, 14(1):203. doi:10.1186/bcr3065 
Off-campus Conference Oral/Poster Presentations
  • Heinig S, Schwingel J. Histidine Kinase Hijinks: Hypothetical protein senses the environment and contributes to growth in Moraxella catarrhalis. 34th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis. Buffalo, NY. May 29th, 2024. (Poster)
  • Fan S, Chin C, Zhang X-Z. Unravelling the interplay within ASAP complex鈥檚 role in RNA regulations in Arabidopsis thaliana. ASPB NE Section 87th Annual Meeting. Ithaca, NY. April 20th-21st, 2024. (Selected Talk)
  • Gujral I, Bui Arden N, Xiao-Ning Zhang. Serine/Arginine-rich 45 promotes Arabidopsis thaliana reproduction by upregulating DAZ1 and alternative splicing of RAD4. ASPB NE Section 87th Annual Meeting. Ithaca, NY. April 20th-21st, 2024. (Gujral won 1st place in Undergraduate Poster Presentation)
  • Dziezgowski M, Fox C, Wang ES, Nemeth M., and Dykstra KM. HDAC11 inhibitors have increased efficacy in MLL-rearranged leukemias. 26th Annual Translational Research Cancer Centers Consortium. Seven Springs, PA, February 2024. (Poster presentation and short talk)
  • Bui Arden N, Chin C, Santos M, Shekhar CM, Becker JD, Zhang X-N. The Effects of a Splicing Regulator, Serine/Arginine-rich 45, on Arabidopsis thaliana Sperm Transcriptome. Joint MAS-ASPB & UMD Plant Minisymposium. College Park, MD. May 25-26, 2022. (Bui won Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation Award)
  • Chin C, Hu AR, Schaef C, Zhang X-N. Cross regulation within the ASAP complex in Arabidopsis thaliana. Joint MAS-ASPB & UMD Plant Minisymposium. College Park, MD. May 25-26, 2022.
  • Fabian M, Gao Min, Zhang X-N, Shi J, Vrydagh L, Kim S, Patel P, Hu AR & Lu H. The flowering time regulator FLK controls pathogen defense in Arabidopsis thaliana. Joint MAS-ASPB & UMD Plant Minisymposium. College Park, MD. May 25-26, 2022.
  • Bui Au, Bui Arden N, Chin C, Beard HS, Garrett WM, Cooper B, Gao M, Lu H & Zhang X-N. Serine/Arginine-rich 45-mediated transcriptional and splicing regulation in plant immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. 23rd Penn State Symposium in Plant Biology: RNA Biology. University Park, PA. May 18-20, 2022.  
  • Hu AR & Zhang X-N. Development-dependent SR45-mediated differential gene regulation in plant development and innate immunity in Arabidopsis. 26th Annual RNA Meeting (online poster). May 25 鈥 June 5, 2021. 
  • Hu AR & Zhang X. Internal coordination maintains the structural and functional integrity of ASAP complex in Arabidopsis thaliana. ASBMB Annual Meeting. April 23-24, 2021. (online). 
  • Hu AR & Zhang X. Looking into the internal coordination within the ASAP complex for gene regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Rustbelt RNA Meeting. October 23-24, 2020. (online, Hu won Excellent Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation Award).
  • Bui AN, Hu AR, Bui Arden N, Zhang X. The role of a splicing regulator, Serine/Arginine-rich 45, in innate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biology Worldwide Summit 2020 (online iPoster). July 27-31, 2020.
  • Hu AR, Zhang X. Understanding the dynamic interplay between SR45 and AtSAP18 in Arabidopsis thaliana. RNA meeting (online poster). May 26-31, 2020.
  • Bui A, Pamula A, Powers J, Hong J, Schaef C, Zhang X. The role of alternatively spliced Serine/Arginine-rich 45 isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana innate immune response. Rustbelt RNA Meeting. Cleveland, OH. October 25-26, 2019. (Bui won Excellent Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation Award)
  • Hu A, Schaef C, Zhang X. The kernel of truth: The role of ASAP complex in abscisic acid response regulation during seed germination and early seedling development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Rustbelt RNA Meeting. Cleveland, OH. October 25-26, 2019. (selected talk)
  • Zhang X, Ranseen E, Beard H, Garrett W, Powers J, Zhang C, Hunt A, Cooper B & Lu H. A comparative analysis of transcriptome and proteome reveals roles for Serine/Arginine-Rich 45 in Arabidopsis innate immune response. FASEB Research Conference 鈥 The Mechanisms in Plant Development. Olean, NY. July 28-August 2, 2019.
  • McNell E, Yanusas K & Ryan S. The role of three disinfection byproducts in zebrafish embryogenesis. Society for Developmental Biology 78th Annual Meeting.  Boston MA. July 26-30, 2019.
  • Chen S, Rooney T, Shi Y, Mount SM, Beard H, Garrett W, Cooper B, Zhang X. Transcriptome and proteome changes in response to perturbation of pre-mRNA splicing during reproduction in Arabidopsis. Gordon Research Conference: Plant Molecular Biology. Holderness, NH. June 10-15, 2018.
  • Rooney T and Guanieri D. Targeted mutagenesis in Drosophila using CRISPR-Cas9. Rochester Academy of Science Annual Fall Paper Session, St. John Fisher College. November 11, 2017.
  • Powers J, Zhang C, Lu H, Zhang X. A splicing regulator, serine/Arginine-rich 45, plays a novel role in suppressing innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Biology Meeting 2017. Honolulu, Hawaii. Jul. 24-28, 2017. (Powers received ASPB travel award.)
  • Powers J., Gowda N., Zhang X. RNA-seq data analysis reveals a novel role of SR45 in plant innate immunity. Rustbelt RNA Meeting. Cleveland, OH. October 14-15, 2016. (Powers won Outstanding Undergraduate Student Oral Presentation Award)    
  • Zhang X., Zhang C., Powers J., Lu H. A splicing activator, SR45, functions as a global suppressor of plant immunity. Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants meeting. Austin, Texas. July 14-15, 2016.
  • Georgiades J., Rice J., and Zhang X. SR45 involvement in ABA response via up-regulation of CYP707A2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Rochester Academy of Science 42nd Annual Paper Session. Rochester, NY. November 7, 2015.
  • Metcalfe S., Worthylake A., and Zhang X. Digging deeper into the relationship between SR45 and GPX7 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Rochester Academy of Science 42nd Annual Paper Session. Rochester, NY. November 7, 2015.
  • Pleto A., Sidoran K., and Zhang X. Function and regulation of SESA1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Rochester Academy of Science 42nd Annual Paper Session. Rochester, NY. November 7, 2015.
  • Metcalfe S., Mazanek Z., Babu M., Cilano K., Russell A., and Zhang X. Effects of AtMago飦凜 mutation on EJC function during Arabidopsis thaliana pollen development. Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2014. Pittsburg, PA.  October 17-18, 2014.
  • Jones R., Snider M., and Hilmey D. Synthesis of maleamic acid amidinohydrolase (NicF) substrate analogs. Rochester Academy of Science 40th Annual Paper Session. Rochester, NY. November 9, 2013.
  • Mazanek Z., Babu M., and Zhang X. Interactions of core proteins within the exon junction complex of Arabidopsis thaliana. Rochester Academy of Science 40th Annual Paper Session. Rochester, NY. November 9, 2013.
On-campus Arts & Sciences Exposition Poster Presentation Highlights
  • Fabiniak T, Fan S, Zhang X-N. RNA, Protein, Pigment, Oh My! An investigation on the genetic interaction between SR45 and NYC2 mediated JA-signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. 2024.
  • Dziezgowski M, Heinig S, Zhang X-N. 鈥淢ethyling鈥 Around to Find the Answer: Exploring SR45, SHM4, and DNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana. 2024.
  • Fox C, Nagarkar T & Dykstra K. The future with FEZ1: Overexpression in MLL-rearranged acute myeloid leukemias. 2022.
  • Haberly L & Zhang X-N. A molecular battleground: How SR45 suppresses protease SAP2 to regulate immunity in A. thaliana. 2022.
  • Heitzman K & Zhang X-N. Plants vs. pathogens: How does SR45鈥檚 suppression of salicylic acid pathway genes play a role in this molecular war? 2022.
  • Horsch L, Heinig S & Schwingel J. Generation of a narG-GFP construct for future applications in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 2022. 
  • McNell E, Yanusas K & Ryan S. Comparing the effects of Dbps on the development of Zebrafish embryos with or without Chorions
  • Jodush N, Hu A and Zhang X. Expressing Arabidopsis SR45 RRM in E. coli. 2018.
  • Evans M, McGraw J and Zhang X. Shedding light on the effects of the splicing factor SR45 on PetH and PsbS. 2018. 
  • Rooney T, Fidanza T & Zhang X. From seed to vegetative adult: Analyzing the role of two plant genes in early development 2017.
  • Alpha K., and Zhang X. Investigating the mRNA expression and cellular localization of the polar auxin transporter ABCB19 in the sr45-1 mutant. 2014.
  • Andrews J. and Rhodes R. G.. The predicted outer surface protein Fjoh_1645 is not involved in Flavobacterium johnsoniae gliding motility on agar surfaces. 2013.
  • Drozynski R., Gear N., and Zhang X. Effects of mutant Mago螖C on the function of the exon-exon junction complex. 2012.